What is Populart?
Populart is a minimalist pop art collection with 5454 unique NFTs on the Solana network. We believe in using art to connect people by highlighting the talent and character of the Hispanic culture.
The Seed
Idea - Design - Vision
Populart team joins forces to be the ambassador of Hispanic talent in the NFT World.
SOLD OUT of 404 Populart F&F NFTs Tickets in a private sale for early investors.
The Roots
Connection - Visibility - Investment.
Populart community-building.
Connection with Hispanic talent that shares our vision.
Expansion of Populart team: marketing agency + technology team.
The Stem
L'ART Token
Populart whitelist opening to the community.
Populart whitelist minting. June 2022
The Leaves
Public sale
Secondary markets
The Fruit
Celebration - Growth
We celebrate the success of our collection which welcomes Hispanic talent into the NFT world.
40% of Collection profits will be destined for the constitution of ArepaLabs to promote Hispanic talent in the NFT world.
The New Sowing
ArepaLabs begins its activity by developing new NFTs collections of Hispanic artists and talent, leading Hispanic talent into the NFT world.
Participation of Populart in face-to-face and online events that connect the collection with new opportunities, and that spread Populart's vision to the entire world
Online events in unique spaces of the metaverse and events in exclusive places where only owners can meet and connect with visionary people.
Why Populart?
We have the certainty that there is a great talent in Hispanic culture. Populart is an NFT collection that seeks to give more relevance to Hispanic talent and culture on the web3 and NFT spaces.
Sometimes the NFT world becomes confusing. There are scams, and there's no easy access to secure information sources. Because of this, Hispanics experience challenges in growing in this space.
A percentage of the Populart NFT collection profits will be used for the constitution of ArepaLabs to promote Hispanic talent in the NFT world.
Populart is the meeting point of the NFT World for the Hispanic community. A Populart NFT is a key to access to a “Golden Circle” of great lovers of Hispanic talent and the NFT world. A Populart connects its holders with a community that appreciates talent and shares the values of professionalism, service to others, boldness, and humanity.
More than 400 Traits bring the NFT collection to life, of which more than 70 highlight characteristics of the region. It represents emblematic characters in fields of history, sports, art, and television, among others.
Behind every detail, you can find a story.
We took care to make a study where all the Hispanic countries were represented in our elements and traits.
Populart is a collection that celebrates the Hispanic culture, its diversity, its color, its great achievements, and its enormous talent. All the good things about Hispanic culture are in a single collection.
Man or Woman
Unique artwork
Commercial rights of your NFT
20% second-market royalties are for holders of Populart F&F NFT Tickets
10% second-market royalties are for holders of Populart NFTs Legendary and Brutal
Automatic access to WL of projects sponsored by Populart
Vote on Populart's features, products, and events
Automatic access to exclusive Populart events (education, networking, and events celebrating Hispanic art and culture)
Be part of the new projects in our community
Royalty payment frequencies will be defined and announced soon.
Populart's royalties correspond to 7.5% of the volume sold in secondary markets.
Annabel Rondon
Victor Rondon
Kiany Mora
IT Manager
Creative Director
Brand Manager
Manage IT resources. Oversees the successful development of core technology activities at POPULART.
He has given character and style to Populart. The artist behind our entire collection. The strategy and creative goals are in your hands.
Create the strategies that determine how people perceive POPULART brand. Oversees design, and events.
Ibelsy Rondon
Carlos Mijares
Marketing Strategist
In charge of Associations, public relations, promotions, marketing and integrations. Head of Community
Investigate trends, make predictions about changes in new or existing "cool" cultural trends. Detects
opportunities for Populart Community!
¿Qué es un NFT? / What is an NFT?➡️ ESPAÑOL Un NFT es un activo digital que representa objetos del mundo real como arte, música, elementos del juego y videos. Son únicos e indivisibles, no se pueden modificar o reemplazar. Se compran y venden en línea, frecuentemente con criptomonedas, y se almacenan en la Blockchain (codificados con la misma tecnología inhackeable de las criptomonedas). El funcionamiento del NFT es sencillo. Una imagen, un vídeo, un audio, un texto o un archivo comprimido determinado obtiene un identificador en el que se registra el nombre del autor, su valor inicial y su historial de ventas, entre otros metadatos. Este bien no fungible* ha desatado una nueva tendencia en forma de criptoarte mediante la cual artistas y creadores de contenido comparten su talento. * No fungible: Que no se puede duplicar, ni se consume con su uso, ni se puede reemplazar por otra cosa. ➡️ ENGLISH An NFT is a digital asset that represents real-world objects like art, music, in-game items, and videos. They are unique and indivisible. They cannot be modified or replaced. They are purchased and traded online, usually using cryptocurrency, and stored on the Blockchain (encrypted with the same unhackable cryptocurrency technology). The operation of the NFT is simple. A given image, video, audio, text, or compressed file gets an identifier that records the author's name, start value, and sales history, among other metadata. This non-expendable commodity* has sparked a new trend in the form of crypto art whereby artists and content creators share their talent. * Non-fungible: Something that cannot be duplicated, nor is it consumed by its use, nor can it be replaced by something else.
¿Cuáles son mis beneficios como propietario de Populart NFT? / What are my benefits as a Populart NFT owner?➡️ ESPAÑOL Ser propietario de un Populart te permite votar sobre funciones, productos y eventos impulsados por la comunidad. Esto hace que nuestro ROAD MAP (mapa de ruta, en español) sea colaborativo y lo decidan entre los fundadores del proyecto y los poseedores de Populart NFTs. Obra de arte única. Propiedad y derechos comerciales de tu NFT. 20% de las Royalties generadas en mercados secundarios de la Colección de Populart NFT para titulares de F&F Tickets 10% de las Royalties generadas en mercados secundarios de la Colección de Populart NFT para Titulares de Populart NFTs Legendarios y Brutales Acceso automático a puestos en los whitelists de los proyectos patrocinados e impulsados por POPULART. Impulsamos proyectos de nuestra comunidad. Buscamos enaltecer el talento hispano a nivel mundial. Tu puedes crear tu propia colección con nosotros. Acceso automático a eventos exclusivos de Populart: educación, networking y eventos que celebran el arte y la cultura hispana. ➡️ ENGLISH Owning a Popular allows you to vote on community-driven features, products, and events. Our ROAD MAP is collaborative and decided between the founders of the project and the holders of Populart NFTs. Unique artwork. Commercial rights of your NFT. 20% second-market royalties are for holders of Populart F&F NFT Tickets 10% second-market royalties are for holders of Populart NFTs Legendary and Brutal Automatic access to whitelist spots of projects sponsored and promoted by POPULART. We promote projects in our community. We seek to enhance Hispanic talent worldwide. You can create your own collection with us. Automatic access to exclusive Populart events: education, networking, and events that celebrate Hispanic art and culture.
¿Cómo distribuirá Populart las regalías? / How will Populart distribute royalties?➡️ ESPAÑOL Una regalía dentro del mundo de los NFTs es un porcentaje de ganancias que obtiene el creador de la coleccion de NFT sobre las ventas en mercados secundarios. Estas regalías quedan reflejadas en el smart contract que se realiza a la hora de hacer el minting del NFT (vender el NFT por primera vez). En el caso de Populart, la colección está configurada para reportar un 7,5% de regalías. Del 7,5% de regalías: 5% será destinada a la Sostenibilidad del Proyecto. 1,5% será destinada a los Holders de Populart F&F NFT Tickets. 0,75% será destinada Holders de Populart NFTs Leyenda y Brutales 0,25% será destinada a la comunidad. ➡️ ENGLISH Populart Collection is set to report a 7.5% royalty. From the 7.5% royalty: 5% will be allocated to the Sustainability of the Project. 1.5% will go to Holders of Populart F&F NFT Tickets. 0.75% will go to Holders of Populart Leyenda and Brutales NFTs. 0.25% will go to the community.
¿Cuántos Populart NFTs comprende la colección? / How many NFTs will be?➡️ ESPAÑOL 5454 Populart NFTs unicos divididos en varias categorías. ➡️ ENGLISH 5454 unique Populart NFTs divided into various categories. 1- Populart Legendarios 2%. 2- Populart Brutales 7 %. 3- Populart Populares 18%. 4- Populart Cool 27%. 5- Populart Cheveres 46%.
¿Cuál será el Precio de Populart NFT? / What will the mint price be?➡️ ESPAÑOL Populart Tickets F&F NFTs: 0.3 y 0.4 SOL - AGOTADOS Populart NFT Precio de Mint = Será anuncando en Discord, muy pronto ➡️ ENGLISH Populart Tickets F&F NFTs: 0.3 y 0.4 SOL - SOLD OUT Populart NFT Mint Price = It will be announced on Discord, very soon * SOL = Solana.
¿En qué cadena de bloques se lanzarán la colección? / What blockchain currency is Populart NFT's based on?➡️ ESPAÑOL Populart NFTs se lanzarán orgullosamente en la red de Solana. Algunas de sus ventajas comprenden bajas tarifas, alta velocidad de transacción y un ecosistema maduro. ➡️ ENGLISH Populart NFTs will proudly launch on the Solana network. Some of its advantages include low fees, high transaction speeds, and a mature ecosystem.
¿Dónde y cuándo es el lanzamiento? / Where and when will Populart launch?➡️ ESPAÑOL Solo en nuestra web, únete a nuestro discord para más información en la fecha. ➡️ ENGLISH Only on our website, join our discord for more information on the date.
¿Cómo Comprar un Populart NFT? / How to Buy a Populart NFT?➡️ ESPAÑOL 🚨 POPULART se lanzará unicamente en nuestra web, únete a nuestro discord para más información. 1. Descarga e instala PHANTOM: Phantom Wallet https://phantom.app 2. Crea una cuenta y un Wallet 3. Agrega Fondos: Compra Solana y los envias a tu cartera de Phamton 4. Mintea tu Populart NFT: El link para el minteo será unicamente anunciado en nuestro Discord 5. Compra Populart NFT ✅ ➡️ ENGLISH 🚨 POPULART will launch only on our website, join our discord for more information. 1. Download and install PHANTOM: Phantom Wallet https://phantom.app 2. Create an account and a Wallet 3. Add Funds: Buy Solana and send them to your Phamton wallet 4. Mint your Populart NFT: The mint link will only be announced on our Discord 5. Buy Populart NFT ✅
¿Cómo puedo obtener un puesto en el WL? / How can I get WL?➡️ ESPAÑOL En nuestro Discord encontrarás toda la información para obtener un puesto en la Whitelist de Populart. ➡️ ENGLISH All information on our Discord.